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exclusion groups AND remainders

PostPosted: Sun Nov 11, 2007 2:47 pm
by Malarick
Hi all,

I have a bit of a conumdrum that I hope you can help me with.

I am doing a new 40k army list and in that list I have a unit that can be equipped like:-

CC Weapon
Bolt Pistol

They come as standard.

the entire unit can opt to swap both CC Weapon and Bolt Pistol for a Bolter.

Okay....I can get that to work via exclusion groups, but my problem is the next bit.

I have a special weapon that I have equipped (lets call this weaponX).

If I select 1 weaponX I need it to deduct 1 from the total Bolt Pistols (but not the CC Weapon).


If I have already opted for the Bolter option I need it to deduct 1 from the Bolter count, when I add 1 weaponX.

I have successfully managed to get one or the other working (i.e I can get the bolt pistols to be deducted from (via remainders) or I can swap the CC Weapons for Bolter (via exclusion groups)) but I cannot get them to all work together.

Am I being clear enough?

I will try and sum up.

Unit A - 10 men

10 x CC Weapon
10 x Bolt Pistol

Option to replace both with 10 x Bolter

If I Choose 1 x WeaponX I need to deduct 1 from Bolter or Bolt Pistol (but not CC Weapon)

So it would look like:-

10 x CC Weapon
9 x Bolt Pistol

1 x WeaponX


9 x Bolter
1 x WeaponX

Any ideas?

PostPosted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 12:56 pm
by Golf33
Hi mate,

not an answer I'm afraid but can you explain how you got the swap of weapons to work?

PostPosted: Thu Nov 29, 2007 10:49 am
by Golf33
You probably worked out how to do the whole thing already but just in case, here's how I got it working:

Create a normal (non-accrued, non-global) tag 'tgMyTags.tBoltP'. Assign the tag to the unit.

Create an option 'oSwapWpn', name 'Swap BP/CCW for Bolter'. In the Eval script, put:
Code: Select all
var retval as number
retval = this.unit.delete[tgMyTags.tBoltP]

Add the option 'oSwapWpn' to your unit. Cost 'free'; priority '1'.

Add the bolt pistol option to your unit. Cost 'free'; priority 2 or more; remainder 'range_m'; live:
Code: Select all

Add the CCW option to your unit. Cost 'free'; priority 2 or more; remainder 'close_m'; live:
Code: Select all

Add the bolter option to your unit. Cost 'free'; priority 2 or more; remainder 'range_m'; live:
Code: Select all

Add the special weapon option to your unit. Range 0-1; priority 2 or more; exclusion 1 against 'range_m'.

That should just about do it!