by Homer_S » Thu Aug 25, 2011 10:02 pm
Add a Boyz unit, either click the "+" button repeatedly until the model count gets to 30 or right-click on the unit and select Adjust Count > Specify Model Count... and type in 30, OK.
Add a Nobz unit, add Nobz. Dial that line up to 9. Add the Painboy by clicking the box. Select that line and click Grot Orderly. No error is produced.
If you want all 9 Nobz in the above unit to have Waaagh Banners, select the Nobz model line (the second line in the unit) and click on Waaagh Banner under option, you probably have to scroll that panel down a bit.
If you only want one Nob to have it, reduce the line of 9 to 8, add another line of Nobz and keep it at 1. Then select that line and click Waaagh Banner.
Are you using the latest version (1.29) and what version of Army Builder are you using?
The only "hobby" GW is interested in is lining their pockets with your money.